Daughter and sister of farmers, it presents some products of his brother in his pretty shop of Lille, you can buy butter, milk, yoghurt, poultry, eggs directly from the farms of the region North-Pas de Calais. There are also organic, regional specialties like beer Ch'ti or the potjevlesch, terrines, Apple juice or cider vinegar…
Old antique dealer, she decorated her store with authentic and real furniture.
Nathalie Blancke has decided to open a grocery store specializing in farm products, small farm and regional, in the heart of Lille, close to "Our Lady of la Treille", in her shop, she invites us to a real return to the sources.
Its main purpose is to offer a short circuit between the producer and the consumer, by becoming the direct link between the land and the city. She is in contact with twenty local producers, whose farms are filled with local produce.
03 20 63 94 18.
Tuesday to Thursday from 10: 00 to 19: 00.
Friday and Saturday from 9:30 to 19:30
Sunday from 10 h to 13 h.